Sunday, June 6, 2010

And You May Contribute a Verse

I couldn't tell you the last time I had a day to myself to simply sit, breathe, and reflect. Trust me, I am not complaining, but it certainly has been a long time since I've had enough seconds in a day to collect my thoughts. The last four months have taken me up, down, around, and in a million directions at once. Above all, they have opened my eyes to how blessed I am to lead the life that I do and to be surrounded by incredible people.

The initial reason that I started this blog was to catalogue all the different places that I visited on the east coast. Since last year, this blog has received its fair share of entries about New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and other cities. Recently, though, because of music, I feel as if I've traveled prolifically. In this case, the journey is not something that can be calibrated by miles alone. It has been a special one inward that has helped me redefine what I want out of life. For the first time, I feel uninhibited in pursuing what I love.

I think about how different my life was a year ago. Around this time last year, I was packing up and getting ready to move out of my apartment in Irvine across the country to D.C. Up until then, music had been a form of therapeutic recreation more than a serious commitment. I'm so glad that this changed.

If there's anything I can take away from these past few months, it's that life will surprise you, and that being open to what it has to offer will make your experience that much more fulfilling. No matter what you're doing, life has been, is, and always will be about connecting with other people. Not only am I happy to be making music, but I am also happy to be part of a community that shares both a love for music and for each other. Truly, it is a blessing.

If I tried to list everything and everyone I am grateful to have in my life right now, I would blab on forever. I'll save it for another time. For now, you know who you are, special people!

I wake up every day, invigorated and ready, all because I know this: The best is yet to come.

"That the powerful play goes on
And you will contribute a verse." -Walt Whitman from "O Me, O Life"

Here's to contributing mine.

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